Mauritius: Paradise Island
Mauritius will make you feel special, like you belong to a chosen few. Immerse yourself in its magic, let it uplift your soul and enchant your mind. Every encounter is an opportunity to discover a friendly face. Behind every smile, is the promise of a unique holiday. Enjoy the cultures, contrast of colors, taste and its amazingly rich history.
Mauritius is a tropical paradise, with activities to please everyone. The island is 60kms long, and 46kms wide.
The Island
The 'Must Do' Attractions
Our paradise island of Mauritius is full of attractions and activities for the young and the old! Here are our 'must do' attractions during your stay in Mauritius!
Casela - World of Adventures (
Chamarel - The 7 coloured earth
Catamaran cruise to 'Ile Plate' (Flat Island)
La Route Du Thé (
L'Aventure du Sucre (
Climb 'Le Morne' Mountain
Dolphin watch - Riviere Noire (Black River)
Le Caudan Waterfront (
Chateau De Labourdonnais (
SSR Botanic Garden (
Port Louis Central Market
Trou of Cerfs (dormant volcano)